How Do You Build in Learning When There’s No Time to Learn?

Time is a scarce commodity - a reality that's as true in foundations as in any organization. Grantmakers need to spend time wisely on activities that add value to their daily work and increase their ability to do good work in the future. By those criteria, learning ought to get high priority, yet it's often the case that learning gets squeezed out when time gets short.

Does the trade-off between time and learning really need to be so stark? It shouldn't be, said GrantCraft readers. Not that time isn't an issue: it is. What matters is how people use time to learn and make sense of learning, individually and across a team or organization. As one respondent put it, "Work never ends, and so we need to learn to manage our time to include learning on the job."

We asked GrantCraft readers to tell us a little about how they think about time, and how they manage it. More than 1,400 responded to our survey. In the following pages, we summarize the lessons and tips they offered for building learning into the time available, even when time is in short supply.

Takeaways are critical, bite-sized resources either excerpted from our guides or written by Candid Learning for Funders using the guide's research data or themes post-publication. Attribution is given if the takeaway is a quotation.

This takeaway was derived from Personal Strategy.
