Executive Transitions Grantmakers and Nonprofit Leadership Change

Even for seasoned funders, supporting leadership transitions can be a tricky business. Where is the fine line between helping and intruding? What interventions work? And how can a grantmaker play a constructive role? Learn how grantmakers take up the transition challenge, engage with boards, support new CEOs, and help grantees use the moment to go in promising new directions.

Underwriting for this guide was provided by the Ford Foundation and theAnnie E. Casey Foundation.


  • Supporting exiting and incoming CEOs
  • ​When a board member calls
  • Nurturing the next generation of leaders

What's in the Guide?

  • The Grantmaker's Role in Leadership Transitions:Grantmakers care deeply about the quality of leadership in the organizations they support. But what can they do to help their own grantees, and perhaps even other organizations, manage executive transitions successfully?
  • Assisting Organizations in Transition: Money and More: Nonprofits need funding during transitions as much as they ever do - maybe more. Foundations can help with that, of course, but they can also offer other types of support, such as information, encouragement, and specialized services. 
  • Making Common Cause with the Board: Replacing an executive director is a serious responsibility for a nonprofit board. Grantmakers can assist by being responsive, even proactive, during what often turns into a challenging process.
  • Supporting Exiting and Incoming CEOs: Executive transitions have a personal side. Grantmakers can ease the departure of an exiting CEO or help a newcomer get off to a strong start with a few simple gestures and practical steps. 
  • Opening the Way for New Leaders: A wide range of strategies are available to expand, strengthen, and diversify the base from which future executive directors will come.

Even for seasoned funders, supporting leadership transitions can be a tricky business. Where is the fine line between helping and intruding? What interventions work? And how can a grantmaker play a constructive role? Learn how grantmakers take up the transition challenge, engage with boards, support new CEOs, and help grantees use the moment to go in promising new directions.

Underwriting for this guide was provided by the Ford Foundation and theAnnie E. Casey Foundation.


  • Supporting exiting and incoming CEOs
  • ​When a board member calls
  • Nurturing the next generation of leaders

What's in the Guide?

  • The Grantmaker's Role in Leadership Transitions:Grantmakers care deeply about the quality of leadership in the organizations they support. But what can they do to help their own grantees, and perhaps even other organizations, manage executive transitions successfully?
  • Assisting Organizations in Transition: Money and More: Nonprofits need funding during transitions as much as they ever do - maybe more. Foundations can help with that, of course, but they can also offer other types of support, such as information, encouragement, and specialized services. 
  • Making Common Cause with the Board: Replacing an executive director is a serious responsibility for a nonprofit board. Grantmakers can assist by being responsive, even proactive, during what often turns into a challenging process.
  • Supporting Exiting and Incoming CEOs: Executive transitions have a personal side. Grantmakers can ease the departure of an exiting CEO or help a newcomer get off to a strong start with a few simple gestures and practical steps. 
  • Opening the Way for New Leaders: A wide range of strategies are available to expand, strengthen, and diversify the base from which future executive directors will come.