Foundation Stats Now Available

In 2011, the United States was home to 81,777 foundations with $662 billion in assets and $49 billion in giving. There's a lot of information associated with these foundations and their grantmaking, and now you can dynamically explore that data.

Through the Foundation Center's new Foundation Stats, you can generate tables and charts on the size, scope, and giving priorities of the U.S. foundation community. You can drill into data closely by variables like population and geography, or zoom out to get a bigger picture of the funding landscape in a given issue area. It's also easy to export your custom searches for use in presentations or in raw form for additional data slicing. Finally, if you're tech-minded, the API is available for use in your own data applications. Enjoy using this tool, and let us know how it works for you in the comments. Share what you learn and what thoughts the data illuminates for you.


About the author(s)

Director of Stakeholder Engagement